17 April 2007

Kota Kinabalu Trip : Ocean Seafood Village

We had seafood in the second night, a must to try when you visit Sabah. Sabah is famous of her abundant marine creature, fresh and tasty. This is place is a heaven to most of the Hong Kong tourists. They love seafood, just like us(Sabahan). And the price is cheaper than in HK.

Those are 'tiger prawn', each is the size of a sausage...

Each tanks, big or small, contain different species....

That is the most expensive fish in the menu.
RM 35 per 100g, that one in the tank may cost you RM 700+ ?
His name is 老鼠斑, Hong Kong-er should know them well.

Four dish: 牛油虾,姜葱沙白,清蒸东风螺,椒盐濑尿虾。
Total? RM200+ (included drinks)

We are hungry again after one day in pulau Manukan.
BUurrp... opps, excuse me

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